Valoración » Calidá
Brutus, nombre personal de época romana que se documenta un par de veces en Sevilla, en la península ibérica (HE), y también en Britania y la Dacia (EDH). Kajanto (1965: 68-69) dice así de este cognomen:
The pejorative cognomina show that the objects of mockery were human stupidity, harshness, hot-headedness, and the vices of the flesh. Among the republican nobility, two cognomina recording «stupidity» became hereditary, Brutus (Iunii) and Varro (Terentii); the etymology of the latter is, however, disputable. The legend of the first Brutus, cos. 509 B.C., simulating stupidity and thus earnig his cognomen (Liv. I, 56, 8), is naturally worthless. It may have been invented as an aetiological myth.
Redaición: Patxi Xabier Salaberri Zaratiegi
Patxi Xabier Salaberri Zaratiegi:
en Toponomasticon Hispaniae, proyecto financiado por el MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/.
Fecha: 24/07/2024